Articles, Blogs and Features
Are you losing sleep over the General Data Protection Regulations?
The implementation date for General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), is fast approaching. Regardless of the size or sector of your business, GDPR will affect your employee related People, Processes and Systems. When the EU General Data Protection Regulation comes into force on 25 May 2018, it will result in a significant reform of the UK’s data protection regulations. The changes in data protection rules also expand the rights of data subjects whether they are your employees, customers or suppliers. Whilst introducing many new restrictions on data processing and data management, you need to be mindful that your Employee documentation, processes and procedures may not compliant. The penalties for non-compliance will be significantly increased and you could face a fine as high as €20 million or 4% of your organisation’s global turnover. With only a few weeks to go, the clock is ticking, so are you losing sleep about GDPR or are you already fully prepared?... |
Are you Ready for Gender Pay Gap Reporting?
The clock is ticking with less than ten days left before employers with 250 or more employees are required to publish their Gender Pay Gap Report. With potential penalties of unlimited fines and not to mention the reputational damage, fewer than 50 % of employers required to do so, have reported their Gender Pay Gap figures. Of those who have it is disappointing to see that there is still a significant disparity between male and female median hourly pay. Are you one of the employers that are delaying publishing your Gender Pay Report? Is that because you want to make sure you get it right or are you worried that you’ll get it wrong? There has been a lot of debate about the Gender Pay Gap and recently this has been highlighted in the media with some high-profile cases including BBC News presenters ... |
Rise in Employment Tribunal Claims. What does that mean for employers?
Most employers fear that envelop from the Employment Tribunal (ET) Services landing on their desk. No matter how diligent you are most employers will have experienced this at least once, if not then you’re one of the lucky few. On 26 July 2017 the Supreme Court ruled that the regulations introducing tribunal fees in July 2013 were unlawful. Employment Tribunals stopped accepting fees on 15 November 2017. As employees are becoming more informed about their rights and their employers’ obligations, tribunal claims continue to rise. The Ministry of Justice recently published provisional tribunal statistics for the period of October to December 2017, which clearly show the continuing rise in claims and some of the key indicators were: